We celebrated Quinn's 4th birthday over the weekend, superhero style! It was a lot of fun.
Only a few of these ideas were original, and I had so much help from both my parents and Pat who really made the party special. I mainly sat back and enjoyed!
Here are some photos from the day.
Happy birthday, my little superhero!

Quinn had been eagerly waiting for his birthday this year. When he woke up and broke through his crate paper and balloon decorated door he cautiously asked, "I'm 4 now?" Yes buddy, you're finally four. Downstairs a birthday doughnut greeted him, complete with a candle, and a brand new superhero shirt which is pictured here, Flash.

Eating zone
Kid table.
Food table. Pat created the city skyline and I just loved how it turned out. My contribution was the comic book bunting and comic book popcorn holders.
View from the deck
All of the labels were a printable that I purchased via One Charming Party online.
I thought I was being funny by labeling the cupcake with an energy blast label. As if these kids need any more energy, right?

I couldn't resist the dollar store superhero candy.
Loved these simple comic book popcorn holders! Just twist paper and glue, voila!
Simple cake. I also loved how this turned out. Bonus: It was delicious!
Goodie bags. I had fun with these. Each child got a superhero mask, superhero candies, band-aids, tattoos, a straw, squirt gun, and whatever other junk I had laying around the house.
Green screen. Quinn loves costumes and so when Pat and I were brainstorming party ideas he thought it'd be fun to let the kids play dress-up, take their pictures, and then superimpose a hero background using photoshop after the party.
The only complaint I have about the party is that it was actually HOT that day (not really a complaint), but the kids weren't real interested in playing dress-up. I couldn't blame them. We did snap a couple shots of kids towards the end, but by then the screen was soaked from water play. If Pat does anything fun with those shots I'll be sure and share the photos, but no promises.
Superhero costume tub
Pat did an awesome job leading the kids through four "superhero training" games.
First was the "Flash Speed Run" in which they had to run as fast as they could from Point A to Point B (marked with cones).

Second was the "Hulk Jump" in which they had to jump (or climb) over buildings. This may have been a favorite. Kids love jumping over boxes, who knew?

Love Quinn's flying pose in that shot.

Thirdly, and my personal favorite, was the "Thor Throw". My Dad made the incredible board and I plan on bringing it out to play bean bag toss games all summer. It was hilarious to me that the kids stood right in front of the board, practically touching it, and still missed the hole 9 times out of 10 (especially Kira). So cute and so fun.
Here Kira's excitedly announcing "I did it!"
Finally there was the "Ice Man's Ice Blasts" game in which the kids were each given a can of silly string and instructed to put out the fires. This was also a hit, which I suspected would be the case.
After the games were completed, Pat consulted the Justice League and the Avengers who declared the kids had completed their training successfully and they were now real superheroes! We presented them with superhero certificates and superhero capes (homemade by my mom). Thanks Mom!
Throw in some presents, cake, and water play, and we had ourselves a pretty great time celebrating Quinn with friends!
Getting ready to blow out his candle.
This is how Kira looked for a lot of the party. The free for all with junk food was taken full advantage of by this little cutie.
Gillette Justice League
My grainy little Flash. It was so fun to throw this little party for him and his friends. Thanks to all, near and far, who helped make the day so special! We love you!