As I sit trying to clean up my desktop a bit, I came across this page of notes that I'd been collecting. Just little tidbits of the things that Quinn does and says throughout the day.
Most of these happened in December and January. It's fun to look back and remember these little moments that have made up our days.
*Before Christmas:
Me: "What do you want for Christmas, Quinn?"
*To a UPS delivery man
Quinn: "Where's Daddy?"
UPS Man: silence
Quinn: "Well, what about Porter?" (a play date friend)
Apparently only Daddy and Porter are expected at our door.
Quinn (waving): "Bye toys, see you later!" and then he proceeded to blow them a kiss.
*Pat trying to take a nap:
Quinn: "What you doing, Daddy?"
Pat: "I'm just looking at this couch cushion, really close."
Quinn: "Okay" (without actually allowing Pat to nap, of course)
*Christmas gift exchange planning:
Pat: “Do we have to have a gift for Quinn for the gift
Me: “Yes”
Pat: “Really?
Are you sure he’s old enough to compete.”
Me: cracking up
Pat: “What’s so funny?”
Me: “I didn’t realize it was a competition.”
Pat: “Well, yah.”
Quinn: “Daddy, wook!
Wook! Wucy, poot!”
Pat: “Lucy’s pooping?”
Quinn: “Yah, Lucy poot! Wook!” (with his hands in a ta-da like pose)
*One random day:
“Mommy, chocolate.
Chocolate. I need chocolate for my tummy.”
Quinn- “Hi Frick”
Pat – “My name is Patrick.”
Quinn – “Yah, Frick.
Hi Frick!”
Pat – “My name is Patrick. You call me Daddy.”
Q: "Mommy, I need more milk, more milk, more milk please
mommy…” (as if I didn’t hear him the first time
Me: "Okay Pumpkin, I’ll get more milk for you."
Q: (chuckling) “Mommy, I (jibberish) not punkin, I Quinn.”
*Blackout Evening (early March)
Pat and I were enjoying a relaxing evening on the couch for the first time in over a week . Between the family being sick and
Kira and my trip to Oklahoma, it felt like Pat and I had been two passing
ships in the night. Out of nowhere, we had a power outage.
It wasn’t stormy, so this took us both by surprise. Without power we decided we ought to just head up to bed (at just a little past nine) and
catch up on some much needed sleep.
Pat grabbed a flashlight and I lit a candle and we headed upstairs. That’s when I noticed an adorable
little boy with his beloved doggie, sitting silently at the foot of the
stairs. I was startled, and if it
weren’t for the power outage, I probably would have been annoyed. I asked the obvious, “What are you
doing Quinn?” To which he
responded with an equally obvious answer “Umm, I’m sitting here.” Um, okay. Pat and I told him that he needed to head up to bed, but as
we were walking I whispered to Pat, “Let’s make this fun!” You know, reward the kid for being
naughty and sneaking out of his room to just be near the evening action. Yikes. Anyway, we did. We had a book marathon party in the
dark with flashlights and it was magical.
Quinn can be the sweetest kid on the planet, especially when he knows he’s
getting away with something like staying up way past his bedtime. J
* Kisses:
So, I ask for kisses a lot. A LOT.
Anyway, the other day I realized how annoying this must be
to Quinn because he looked at me and sternly said, “One more”. He obliged, but then signed while speaking
(which is a true sign that he’s serious) “All done.” I heard you son, loud and clear. I won’t be asking for anymore kisses for at least one whole