Wow. In two weeks my baby turns one. I better reflect on the milestones that have occurred this past month before time completely passes me by.

It's been a big month for Kira. Days after she turned 10 months she took two very wobbly steps towards her brother. And then she did it again, and again. We're talking barely two steps and then she'd fall completely over. There were a couple of days that she experimented with two steps (never any more) and then two weeks went by with no attempts.

On the same day that she took those wobbly first steps I decided to remove all binkies from our house. Quinn was finding them everywhere, stealing them from Kira, sneaking into her room (and therefore waking her) to find them, and it was completely out of control. I was losing my mind. So, I got rid of them. It affected Kira's sleep a little for maybe a week, but it was pretty simple. I am so thankful to have them out of our house. I never want to see another binky as long as I live. Okay, so that's a little extreme. But seriously, I'm so happy to have taken them away from Kira already. I don't want to go through any of that nonsense again.

A couple of weeks into the month I decided to go shoe shopping for Kira. She didn't have any good outdoor shoes (only a pair of soft soled robeez) and with the nice weather we were getting it was time to let her have some shoes for outdoor play. I wanted to buy her some saltwater sandals, but the sales representative discouraged me. She was pushing for me to buy Kira a pair of Stride Rite shoes. She raved about how great they were for pre/early walkers and I compromised with one of each. :) A pair of stride rites for Kira's sake and a pair of salt waters for the sake of cuteness. All this rambling about shoes is to note that the second I put those stride rites on Kira she became a walking fool. The first day she took 6 steps, the next day was 12, and within a week she was walking all around the room. They were miracle shoes, and now that she's an expert she's been living in her adorable little salt waters. I'm so glad I didn't listen that sales representative completely.
She still only has her two bottom teeth, but she's been having fevers and has been fussier lately and so I know more are just around the corner for us. I think I'm going to miss her nearly toothless grin. I suppose it's time, though.

Also, I FINALLY took her to the doctor (for her nine month check up) and she's looking great. But we already knew that. What surprised me was to learn that Kira is a mere 18 pounds and is in the 20th percentile for weight. Not only is she skinny (according to the percentiles), but she's also pretty short. She was 28 inches tall (in the 30th percentile) for height. But don't you worry, what she lacks in height and weight she makes up for in head circumference. I can't remember the measurement, but it was in the 90th percentile. Her head is the same size as her waist! Is that even normal? Anyway, we think she's perfect just the way she is!