Friday, October 26, 2012

Fall on the Farm

We had a lovely time visiting with family last weekend on the farm.  Some of the highlights included meeting Uncle Eric and Auntie Riah for an afternoon at OMSI, attending the local high school production of The Little Mermaid (Quinn's first musical) starring Pat's cousin, and time outside picking fruit and playing on Grandma's new tractor.  Oh, and the homemade apple-plum pie.  Delicious!

I played around with the camera for a few minutes while the kids played outside one afternoon.  Here's what I captured.

I sure do love those kids!

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Pumpkin Patch 2012

Pat and I took the kids to the pumpkin patch this weekend.  We have yet to make it to the same pumpkin patch twice up here.  This year we checked out the Farm at Swan's Trail in Snohomish.  It was over 70 degrees and sunny.  We have been conditioned to believe that such weather conditions are ridiculous for our annual pumpkin patch outing, but we embraced it!  I am loving our extended summer in the northwest this year.  
We might just have to take one more trip if it ever gets muddy, for tradition's sake.
  The afternoon started out with Quinn sleeping in the stroller and Kira admiring the farm animals.  
Sidenote: Quinn refuses to nap at home, but the second we try and do anything, he crashes in the car.  What is up with that?
 She wanted to pet the chickens and bunnies so badly.  For the animal's sake, we did not let her.
 Gazing out into the field of pumpkins.  

 We eventually woke Quinn up so we could accomplish what we set out to do, select our pumpkins!
 The kids liked the wheel barrow, even though the expression on their faces might not make that clear.

Quinn was so cute.  He knew exactly which pumpkin he wanted and he was determined to carry it back to the wheel barrow.  Daddy helped him with the final lift, but he just about made it.  It is such a cute little pumpkin!

 Kira wasn't into the pumpkin selecting as much as she was into frolicking through the field.
 And resting in the field.
I have been spending the majority of my time behind the lens lately, but Pat snapped a couple to prove I was there.

After we picked our pumpkins we let Quinn play a bit, but Kira was quickly melting down and so we didn't take advantage of the hay rides or other festive activities that the venue had to offer.  I guess we'll save that for a muddy day.
 But before we left we had to have a little treat.

We discovered that although Kira might not like cake, she loves sticky caramel apples.  I guess she's not completely crazy.

Happy October!

Sunday, October 7, 2012

The Secret to Potty Training

Guess what?!?  We've got some exciting news around here that I'm dying to share!

Quinn is OUT OF DIAPERS.  Except for nighttime sleeping.

I've been dragging my feet on the potty training thing for a good year or so now.  Diapers really didn't bother me that much since I basically only changed Quinn's diaper if he went #2.  But, the kid is 3.  Actually, he's 3 1/4.  It was time.

So, last Saturday I decided to go for it.  And by "go for it," I mean I decided to introduce bribes.  And by bribes, I mean cookies.  The kid will do ANYTHING for cookies.  And in case you're totally judging me for giving such a large bribe for such a small task (judge away, I would), it's important that you know I quartered the cookies.  It's still ridiculous, I know.

But, IT WORKED!  We had one accident the first hour and then no accidents for four days.  He did have one accident at preschool, but his teacher said he was running to the toilet, but just didn't make it in time.  Poor kid.  Oh, and he peed in his carseat on the way home from the dentist with Pat once too.  I sort of blame Pat for not making him go before heading home, but whatever.  Three accidents in his first diaperless week is a successful week in my book.  I was expecting three accidents a morning.

Today, he successfully held it long enough to race to a honey bucket in a field at the pumpkin patch.  And that's when I knew he had this thing down.

I am so unbelievably proud of my little guy.  He's growing up!

So, the secret to potty training is a) wait a reeaaalllly long time b) give cookies.  Works like a charm.

*and for the record:  the iwillonlypeeinatoiletforcookies attitude only lasted about a day.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Wednesday in the Park with Quinn

This past week marked the one year anniversary of us moving into our house.  We spent the past year living in a construction zone which was quite fun for our little boy.  However, the development was completed this summer and the finishing touch was a little park at the end of our street.  Quinn frequents this park at least once a day, but sometimes more.  He either rides his little scooter or big wheel down, swings a little, and rides home (with a parent, of course).  Anyway, he and I went yesterday afternoon and had so much fun together, just the two of us.  

His legs are just long enough to pedal now; and yes, he's ready for a flood.  Good thing, since this is Seattle.
 Trying out new swing methods.
 Goofy boy.
 Sweet boy
 Mischievous boy.
 We were playing a little game of freeze tag.  This was one of the freeze poses he came up with.

 I'm sad this is so blurry.  I just love this happy face too much to delete the photo.

Riding home.