Well, I think it's time for a phone photo dump.
Here's what happened in January.
The kids joined in on the fun.
I was reminded how beautiful January is around here. It's cold, but sunny! We took advantage with family walks.
My superhero loving boy.
Bed head.
Instagram people seemed to think Quinn won't appreciate this photo in the future. I find it completely darling. Sorry buddy!
Pat cooked cheesesteaks. Yum.
Grocery shopping sanity? Or torture? They find it fun for the first half of the shopping trips and by the second half they tend to just push and shove one another. I need to get faster at shopping.
Bedtime rituals.
Settlers of Catan. Our 2013 obsession. This one is still going strong, unlike the exercise.
Birthday party with an old playdate friend. A napping superhero dinosaur.
She not only lets him dress her, but she encourages it by bringing him clothes.
Superman and Robin, a new pair.
The kids' playroom took a couple of weeks to recover from Christmas spoiling.
But, I managed to clear out toys and find carpet again!She spent more time in the baby cradle than her babies in the beginning. She learned that it can be hazardous and hasn't been spending nearly as much time inside anymore.
Toddler group buddies.
Kira also became interested in all things potty this month, particularly Quinn's undies. And boots, that obsession has been around for a while and doesn't seem to be going away anytime soon.
Aunite Riah and Uncle Eric came for a visit. We always love when family comes to us!
More naps! A true rarity for Quinn.
Sharing. It didn't last, but it was cute for a minute.
Kira was sporting her cute little homemade jumper from Mima this day and made a phone call to Riah to change her diaper. Apparently she didn't trust that mommy was capable of such a task.
Brownie baking.
Probably my favorite photo from the month. Kira requested the Buzz wings and the piano. Little personalities can be so fun.
Quinn took up getting himself dressed this month, at 3 1/2. It consists of pulling out all of his clothes to survey his options, and often includes multiple changes in a day.
A typical outfit combination that Quinn would choose. It drove me crazy but I tried to let go and just feel grateful that he was getting himself dressed!A darling little baby disco. Quinn was literally breakdancing. I hear people got good photos of this, but I've yet to see them.
The Vitamix! A combined Christmas money purchase to inspire healthier eating habits.
A third nap this month? Seriously, unheard of. This time he fell asleep right there on the floor while I was teaching a piano lesson.
I took a lot of pictures of food for a while. Here's a snack.
Here's a dinner.
Crafting with my kids. It looks pretty peaceful here, and it was for a while, but it inevitably became stressful. I need to do this more, though. And look, I managed to complete some bunting to send off for Baby Kaia's one year luau celebration!
Last coffee for a month! I savored every sip.
Sibling love. And another obnoxious outfit selection by Quinn.
Morning cereal and cartoons.
Kira's a fan of the Vitamix and the smoothies it creates.
Last day of the month, and my first goal achieved! I couldn't believe I actually followed through but was so proud I did. (Spoiler alert: March isn't going so well...)
Two little angels, just sitting together peacefully while reading independently.
I deliberately try and take snapshots of moments throughout my days that I want to look back on and remember. I find that this positive outlook helps me look back and appreciate my time at home when it can be easy to get swallowed up by feelings of inadequacy.
Looking back I am reminded of all the wonderful moments we had in January. We hope you had a nice month as well!