Thursday, September 10, 2009

Crib Time

I can't believe that my sweet baby boy will be 12 weeks old in four short days! I set a goal before he was born to have him sleeping in his crib by 12 weeks. Well, I haven't really been ready to let him sleep farther than a reach away so I gave up on this goal weeks ago. At least until about an hour ago...

I discovered that Lucy had a little fun with the kitty litter today and decided to spread some of it in our bedroom near Quinn's pack 'n play. Gross. I know. Anyway, out of necessity to clean up Lucy's mess I decided to just try and see if Quinn would go to sleep in his crib. I stuck with our nightly routine, but instead of going through the steps in our bedroom I used Quinn's room. Much to my amazement, he went down like it was nothing. I'm freaking out a little, but he seems to be just fine. He's sleeping as peacefully as ever!

So far Lucy has checked on Quinn more than I have. I think she's going to miss him as much as Pat and me... but, it's her own fault!


  1. Having Clara sleep in her own room was a bit step for us too. It was initially really sad, but it's really nice to have "our room" back to ourselves. Hopefully you and Pat will think so too!

    P.S. I love reading about Quinn's landmarks! That's awesome that he is already rolling over. Wow! Clara rolled from back to tummy at 3 1/2 months (ish) but needs to learn how to roll over her left shoulder and not just her right. So funny how the smallest things are such a big deal as a parent:).

  2. Awww... Lucy is so protective! Cute! I'm glad the transition went well!
