Saturday, February 6, 2010

7 Months

It's been over two weeks now since we celebrated seven glorious (and exhausting) months with Quinn. This past month Quinn reached some remarkable milestones, most notably, CRAWLING! I posted a video of him "gearing up" and within a week that developed into a traditional, coordinated-looking crawl. As time passes he's only getting faster and more comfortable (and therefore interested in bigger and better things). This has been an exciting milestone for our family, but people aren't kidding when they say that parenting gets more difficult when babies become mobile. Quinn is all over the place and I find myself spending my days trying to keep up with his growing curiosity for this world.

Quinn's other new 7 month developments include:
*tummy to sit
*crawl to sit
*pulling himself to a standing position
*downward dog yoga moves
*ticklish under his arms and legs
*blowing raspberries
*exploring new sounds
*slobbery, open-mouth kisses

I have videos to share, but we are without our camera for now... so those will have to wait.

1 comment:

  1. Who couldn't love this kid? He is so charming! With Pat's artsy connections, you should definitely get Quinn in a studio and create a portfolio to model his handsomeness! --Mandy Gasaway Brown
