Sunday, April 11, 2010

I'm Back!

Well, it's been over a year since I jumped on the blogging bandwagon. I have to admit; I love it! It's been such a great excuse for me to document my family's life and whenever I'm feeling nostalgic I can peruse through older posts and remember how much our life has changed in this past year. In addition, blogging has enabled me to reconnect with old friends as I follow their personal family blogs. I'm a sucker for anyone who's willing to share their story! Thank you to all of my fellow blogging friends who do so with such eloquence.

I've been on a bit of a hiatus this past month and am going to attempt to get "caught up"! Ironically, the more I have to blog about (i.e. the busier we are) the less I blog! We'll see how this goes. :)

P.S. I've been feeling a bit guilty about our title "A Blog About Nothing" since it really is "A Blog about Quinn: Our Everything!" For those of you who know Pat, he is a die-hard Seinfeld fan, "A Show About Nothing". So, when we were debating on a title for this blog, we wanted to be able to write about anything and everything (or nothing). Thus, "A Blog About Nothing" was born.


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