Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Day 12-15

I sure have fallen off the wagon. What made me ever think I would blog everyday for a month? It's just not in the cards for me. So, I'll continue my thankfulness challenge but know that the daily updates just aren't happening. :)

Day 12:
I was thankful for cousins. Quinn and Kira have cousins that are close in age to them, and Quinn's closest friends are already his cousins, Chloe and Ruby. He loves those girls so much, he just wants to tickle, hug, and play with them all day (well, a lot of the day. He has his moments, he is two afterall). He will ask for them often (even though they live a state away), and this weekend they came to visit us! I look forward to the family continuing to grow, and am thankful that my kids will be close to their cousins.

Day 13:
Grandparents. I am thankful for my grandparents, and am lucky enough to still have three of my grandparents living. They are some of the sweetest people I know, and I look forward to the times that I get to spend with them. I am also thankful for my kids' grandparents. My parents and Pat's parents love our kids very much and go out of their way to have a relationship with them. It isn't easy either because it means frequent traveling (and Quinn is not always outwardly appreciative of these efforts).

Day 14:
Sleep. Sleep deprivation comes in waves around here and my lack of sleep is definitely catching up with me. I am thankful to Pat for taking over extra Quinn duty to give me an opportunity to catch up on some rest, and I am feeling a bit more refreshed because of it. I guess it's time to start implementing some sleep routine with Kira though, as opposed to just soaking up one-on-one time with her after Quinn goes to bed. I knew that would backfire at some point. :)

Day 15:
Jamie. Jamie is such a great friend to me, and I am so grateful that our friendship has remained strong over the years and has not only survived, but thrived since Pat and I moved to Washington. I look forward to our daily conversations and appreciate her constant openness and honesty. I am also inspired by her wonderful creativity and love that our kids are so close in age. She is and always will be like family to me.

1 comment:

  1. Had to go and make me cry on a Tuesday, didn't ya? I love you!
