Thursday, July 22, 2010

Achievement of the Day

It has been scientifically proven. Quinn is a complete and utter genius. The proof? Today Quinn managed to jostle open our high-tech, baby-locked, it-takes-each-adult-about-10-minutes-of-fiddling-to-figure-it-out safety gate. I have our upstairs fairly "baby proofed" (so I thought) and so while I get ready in the mornings I let Quinn have free reign. I had heard him playing with the gate, but knew that it was locked and so I didn't worry about it. Eventually I realized that I hadn't heard him fiddling with it anymore and so I decided to see which room he had ventured to next (he loves pulling books off of our bookshelf and so I was expecting to find a disaster somewhere... or, remember the closet incident?). Much to my surprise, he was sitting at the top of the stairs, swinging his feet and looking prouder than I've ever seen him. Thank goodness he just sat there to gloat and didn't try going down! I wish that I had snapped a quick picture, but I was too panicked and focused on getting him into a safer situation. What was I thinking? I guess you'll just have to use your imagination!

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