Saturday, July 3, 2010

Quinn's First Haircut!

For Quinn's first birthday, he wanted to get spruced up a bit by getting his very first *haircut. He could have probably gone another year without actually needing one, but it was growing in funny and Mommy wanted it cleaned up. So on Friday, June 18, we said goodbye to his less-than-desirable "wispy mullet" and hello to his new-and-improved toddler do.


Quinn was slightly terrified by the trimming, but since there were no tears I deem the experience a success!

I hear that the first haircut can be an emotional milestone (if you can call a haircut a milestone?) but for me it was no big deal. I love my little toddler and his boyish new looks!


Quinn did a great job, but what little boy wouldn't while driving this sweet fire engine?

*The word "haircut" is used quite loosely in this post. The only hairs that were touched during this said "haircut" were on the sides and back of his head, for we would hate to loose the bits that have grown in elsewhere! Don't worry Quinn, someday you'll have a thick head of hair just like your Mommy and Daddy. But, if you're lucky enough to continue to have hair like your Daddy did when he was little, you might be waiting for puberty before you see those thick locks!


  1. So cute! What a handsome little guy :)

  2. He looks so handsome! I can't believe how still he sat the whole time. What a good boy! I bet he'll have LOTS of hair sooner than you know:)
