Quinn had such a fun first birthday filled with family, animals, food, and baseball! Throughout the day we had Pat's family coming in to town to go with Quinn to his first Mariners/Cubs baseball game. Amazingly enough, the Cubs were playing the Mariners for inter-league play. This only occurs once in a blue moon and the fact it landed on Quinn's birthday was beyond awesome.
Mariah and Eric showed up first and got some quality play time in with the birthday boy while Pat and I got ready. Then we (Mariah, Eric, Pat and I) took Quinn to the Woodland Park Zoo. Summer weather had been non-existent around here (like most of the Northwest) and so when the sun came out we appreciated it more than ever. It was a beautiful day, and Quinn seemed to enjoy looking at all of the zoo animals. He even started doing a pretty great monkey impression, complete with flailing appendages. We spent a couple of hours there, and based on Quinn's temperament we probably could have stayed longer, but we were anxious to get back home to see the rest of the family who had made the drive for Quinn's special day. Okay, who am I kidding, they made the drive for the baseball game! Nonetheless, we were excited to see them!

The Zoo Crew. That's right. I said Crew.

Auntie and Uncle

The Zoo makes Quinn happy

Um...there is probably an animal back there somewhere. Maybe not.

Now let's go over there.
When we got home, Uncle Matt, Auntie Lolo, Papa, and Nana were there to greet us. Quinn got a little more play time in (since he refused to nap with all of the excitement going on around him), while the rest of us caught up and snacked a little, or a lot.
Before we knew it, it was time to get ready for the baseball game and head on back to Seattle. Quinn was decked out in his "I might be little but I'm a HUGE cubs fan" onesie, Cubs hoodie, and Cubs baseball cap. I thought that we would stick out like a sore thumb at a Mariners game in all of our Cubs attire, but there seemed to be as many Cubs fans there as Mariners fans. It was nice to be in good company!

Psycho Dad!! ONE!

Other Auntie and Uncle

Let's go Cubs!!! Oh no! They're losing!!!

Nana and Papa Sisters/Aunties/Cubs fans

The game itself was BORING (although this is not the opinion of the entire Gillette family). The Cubs lost (a rarity, HA!), but we had a nice time watching Quinn soak up this classic American pastime. I was nervous about how Quinn would do since the game didn't start until Quinn's bedtime, but he did wonderfully! Our child knows how to "power through for the fun"!

'Not the best outcome' faces
In fact, Quinn stayed awake to celebrate the actual minute he was born (9:57 pm!), and then he crashed in the car on the way home. Thank you to everyone who helped us celebrate Quinn's birthday! It was such a memorable day, and most importantly, Quinn seemed to really have a good time!
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