Friday, October 16, 2009

Northwest Living

The biggest reason that Pat and I decided to relocate to Washington was so we would be closer to all of our family. Family is so important to us, and we want Quinn to know his grandparents, aunties, and uncles. However, I never imagined we would have the opportunity to see family as much as we have! As I reflect on the 12 weeks that we have been in Washington, 8 of those weekends have been spent with family.

Even though Uncle Ryan is finishing up grad school in Indiana, he's already seen Quinn on 3 different occasions...

...because he comes around to visit his girlfriend, Megan. We love getting to see both of them!

Auntie Lolo

Uncle Matt

Auntie Mariah

Grandpa George

Grandma Cathy

Grandma and Grandpa

Great Nana

Great Grandma

We've been lucky enough to introduce Quinn to some friends as well!



Rhiannon and Juliette

Will (he's smitten)


This blog post has caused me to realize how HORRIBLE we've been at taking pictures! We've loved being close to Heather as well, but have no pictures to prove it. We'll have to work on that!

We sure do miss the Lincolns though and CAN'T WAIT to meet baby Max! Roughly two more weeks!


  1. You better miss the Lincolns! I guess it makes sense that ALL of those people would win out over us... but it still sucks. :( Kiss Quinn for us and we'll just keep on counting down the days!

  2. Yeah! It's so great that you get to be close to family and friends! So fun that Quinn will grow up knowing all his aunties & uncles, grandparents & more:).
