Sunday, February 28, 2010

Eight Months!

Quinn Zachary is eight months old! I feel like a broken record exclaiming I never know where the time goes, but with each passing month I feel like time continues to pass more quickly.

Developmentally speaking, Quinn has honed in on his crawling skills this month as he gets faster and faster by the day. He continues to prefer standing and will pull himself up onto anything and everything (including, but not limited to: a plain wall, crib, couch, basket, chair, mom, jumper, exersaucer, door... you get the point!). At the beginning of the month Quinn seemed to get a new bruise each day due to his inevitable falls. Thankfully, over the past couple of weeks he has began to "fall gracefully" and new bruises are becoming more of a rarity. Quinn is beginning to experiment with unassisted standing as well. He can stand for a couple of seconds on his own (even in the bathtub) but he quickly realizes that he needs support and will grab on to whatever is close for assistance (i.e. couch, mom, entertainment center). Quinn will also couch-walk and is motivated by anything that is not his (i.e. lap top, remote control, cell phone, dog bone).

Sadly, this month Quinn experienced his first cold. This combined with Quinn cutting his first teeth made for a very miserable boy for a week or so. We were giving him tylenol every four to six hours for a few days to try and keep him as comfortable as possible. The saddest part was when he lost his voice. Our poor baby! I got some practice testing the response time for the email system at the doctor's office (the record was 15 minutes for an email response... not bad!) We were able to keep Quinn away from the doctor and he did get better, but the misery of his cold was definitely intensified by his teething. Quinn cut his first two teeth this month. He loves to feel them with his fingers so much so that his left index finger is raw. He seems to really enjoy having teeth.

In fact, Quinn's first teeth led to his first taste of formula. I wasn't too keen on being bit, and this gave me the motivation to begin supplementing with formula. Quinn doesn't mind it one bit and it has been such a convenient addition to our lives. Lately, Quinn has been having a bottle of formula before bed each night. In addition to milk, Quinn has been eating up a storm. He has been a pretty great eater, trying anything that I offer him. Unfortunately, he's beginning to resist his veggies now that he's experienced more delicious items like fruit, cupcake, ice cream... yes, I'm terrible, I know! On any given day Quinn will eat a few of the following: sweet potatoes, yams (although I'm learning that what I believed to be yams are in fact orange sweet potatoes), peas, green beans, carrots, butternut squash, apples, pears, peaches, beans, rice, and puffs (dry cereal). I've been making the majority of Quinn's food. It's been simple and fun, but I haven't experimented with anything fancy. We'll see how adventurous I get in the future.

The most exciting development this month has been Quinn's new sleeping habits!! His new norm is sleeping 10-12 hours straight each night! Our little angel is no night owl, though, and is ready for bed by 6:00 pm (this is something we need to work on... maybe next month). So, 12 hours of sleep still means that we have a happy, rested baby by 6:00 am each morning. Pat and I need to work on going to bed ourselves before midnight.

Overall, Quinn is such a happy and healthy baby who continues to enrich our lives beyond explanation.

"Check out my teeth!"

"Where are we going Mama?"

"I'm coming, Lucy!"

Yep, he's still a drooling fool.

We love you Quinn!!

Friday, February 26, 2010

Monday, February 22, 2010

Great Friends, Great Babes, Great Week!

Jamie, Ritchie, and Maxton came to visit us the first week in February. We visited the Kirkland Marina, Pike Place Market, explored Seattle, shopped some, laughed more, lost a cat, found a cat, and played with our beautiful sons!

When Quinn and I visited in November there was quite a size difference between our precious offspring. Three short months later, there is very little difference in size between the boys!


February (unfortunately, we don't have a side-by-side from this most recent visit)

Great friends!

Gillette family

Lincoln family

Max playing peekaboo with Mommy (for the first time I believe)!

The boys cracking each other up (with help from Pat and Jamie)!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Working Again...

Thanks to my dear friend Heather, I had my first "job" after 7 months of being home with Quinn. It lasted about one hour... perfect! I had the opportunity to accompany Heather's voice students for their winter recital on January 23rd. In reality, there was much more than an hour of work involved when you add up the many hours that it took to prepare the music. It was so fun to have a little something to focus my attention on for a few weeks. I would love to pick up more "gigs" like this, so if you know anyone in the Seattle Area who needs an accompanist, feel free to pass my name along!

My parents are always so supportive. Even though I was just the accompanist, they made the drive from Walla Walla to come and support me at the recital. I'm sure seeing Quinn was motivating as well, but whatever gets them here keeps me happy!

We left Quinn with Ryan's girlfriend, Megan (who he absolutely adores... as do we)! When we went to pick him up after the recital was over there were about four adults encircling Quinn. We couldn't help but wonder, "How many people does it take to babysit our darling son?" Apparently when any one of them left the room he'd cry a little, too. He certainly likes being the center of attention! I'm so curious to see how much of that is his personality versus age.

Overall, it was a wonderful experience and I look forward to more opportunities in the future!

Valentine's Day Weekend

Happy (belated) Valentine's Day!
(even Quinn's toys were feeling the love...)

Last weekend Pat and I went on our first road trip in SIX whole weeks. Amazing... I know (since we were on the road closer to every three weeks in 2009)! Since we've moved we have been trying to take full advantage of having family within driving distance. Unfortunately, we're already starting to feel greedy and are wishing that we had some family that was more within walking distance! So, move to Seattle everyone!!!

Anyway, it was so nice to be back in Walla Walla. Quinn had a great time with his Grandma, Grandpa, Auntie Lolo, Uncle Matt, Nana, Diane, Becky, Papa, and Nana. He showed off his crawling abilities and only got a few new bruises (from his inevitable falls since he has to explore EVERYTHING). Oh yah, and he had his first bites of cupcake and frosting... thanks Grandma!

Pat and I even got to go out to dinner and movie with Matt and Lora while Mom and Dad babysat. Thank you!!

Grandpa was trying to get good photos of Quinn...

...and all Quinn wanted to do was eat the camera!

Being mobile is so fun.

"Hi Grandpa!"

What's Valentine's day without cuddles?

We hope you all had a wonderful weekend as well!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Snoqualmie Falls

Pat and I have been wanting to venture up to Snoqualmie Falls for months now, and with Grandma Cathy visiting this weekend we decided it was the perfect opportunity to check it out. It's nice to find beautiful spots that are so close to where we live. In all honesty, it doesn't quite compare to Multnomah Falls in Oregon, but it was fun to get out and enjoy the fresh air! Also, it gave us an opportunity to play around with my parents' camera again (thanks Mom and Dad for letting us borrow it)!

Quinn in his new, fancy stroller!

He's my favorite!

So, Pat and I ventured off on a short hike down to the river while Cathy and Quinn stayed at the top. The words "steep grade" deterred Cathy from joining us. As much as I tried to insist that we would have been fine bringing Quinn along (you know, in the new, fancy stroller) I had to admit coming back up that it would've been pretty tough)! Here are a few photos from our little detour.

Grandma Cathy and Quinn had a nice time bonding.

Daddy and Quinn

Walking, walking, walking (with assistance, of course)!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

7 Months

It's been over two weeks now since we celebrated seven glorious (and exhausting) months with Quinn. This past month Quinn reached some remarkable milestones, most notably, CRAWLING! I posted a video of him "gearing up" and within a week that developed into a traditional, coordinated-looking crawl. As time passes he's only getting faster and more comfortable (and therefore interested in bigger and better things). This has been an exciting milestone for our family, but people aren't kidding when they say that parenting gets more difficult when babies become mobile. Quinn is all over the place and I find myself spending my days trying to keep up with his growing curiosity for this world.

Quinn's other new 7 month developments include:
*tummy to sit
*crawl to sit
*pulling himself to a standing position
*downward dog yoga moves
*ticklish under his arms and legs
*blowing raspberries
*exploring new sounds
*slobbery, open-mouth kisses

I have videos to share, but we are without our camera for now... so those will have to wait.