Thursday, December 15, 2011

Kira's Second Month

October 7, 2 months

Kira's second month is basically a blur, poor girl! You see, Kira's second month was the month we were packing up our apartment and moving into our house. I was keenly aware of my absentmindedness, though, and so I took thorough notes about Kira's daily developments (you know, since there is so much going on in the life of a two month old). Now, if only I could find that notebook! I've been putting off this post for far too long, confident that the notebook will unpack itself from the garage. That doesn't seem to be happening, though. If I ever find it I'll come back and edit my errors. But for now, I'll just do my best and keep it brief.

Stats: Taken one week before turning 3 months. I'm terrible at scheduling those appointments on time. Call me crazy, but something about signing up to have my child poked has a way of moving down on my priority list.

Height: 23 3/4 inches (72nd percentile)

Weight: 13.2 pounds (78th percentile)

Head Circumference: 41 centimeters (82nd percentile)

Sadly, I remember clearly that Kira hated her shots and spent the rest of the day miserable. There's no forgetting that experience.

Sleep: Kira was sleeping well at night (usually only waking once to eat), could be put down in her bassinet and would fall asleep on her own. It was dreamy (my, how things have changed).

Likes: Quinn. Kira loved to lay on her play mat and watch Quinn play with a big grin on her face. Eating. When she knew she was about to eat she was her happiest.

Dislikes: Thrush. Kira never showed signs of pain or discomfort with her thrush, but mama hated it! Tummy time. When put on her tummy Kira would just lay her head down and practically fall asleep. She didn't seem motivated to build up that neck and back strength except for when she was at the doctor’s office. Then she decided to be a real show off and lift her chest up off the table. She knew the only person who really cared about her tummy time development was her pediatrician, apparently.

Fun Fact: At two months, if Kira got upset (which was rare), we learned that the easiest way to soothe her was to simply put her down. Who would've thought? This is something I’m not sure I would have been capable of figuring out if she was my first child. Out of necessity we learned this little trick. It can be a bit depressing, but it is very convenient

And, that's about it! At least until I find the notebook.

Laughter is Contagious

... for my kids at least!

Aren't they sweet? They've been making each other laugh all morning.

Still Thankful

I set out a goal in November to blog daily about something that I am thankful for. I failed. However, I am no less thankful even though I didn't take the time to sit down and write about it. Being the stubborn person that I am, I am determined to finish my list. Maybe I'll do better next year (by setting a more achievable goal for myself).

Day 22: Blogs. I bragged earlier about Kira's impressive sleeping fluke(s). Sadly, long stretches of sleep have not been her norm of late. So, I've become an avid blog surfer. I've always loved following blogs of friends (and that's still my favorite), but there are some entertaining writers (particularly moms) out there who keep me entertained day and night. I blame/credit Jamie for this new found form of entertainment.

Day 23: Pinterest. I love everything about it. If you aren't on this site you are really missing out. There are so many great ideas out there and Pinterest is the place where these ideas are shared. I've gotten home decor inspiration there, craft ideas for Quinn, and have recently become obsessed with the plethora of recipes that can be found on pinterest. And, when I decide to start wearing anything other than sweats again, I plan to look there for some style inspiration, too!

Day 24: New recipes. This could be linked in with Pinterest, but I've been cooking new things each night (nothing particularly healthy, unfortunately) and it's been so fun, and DELICIOUS! I do plan to start trying some of the healthier recipes out there too, but something about this time of year and healthy just doesn't mix.

Day 25: Exercise. All of this unhealthy eating can just be balanced out by exercise, right? Like, once a week? Because that's what I've been averaging. But seriously, I am thankful for exercise, and Stroller Strides (my mommy exercise class) most specifically. Those endorphins are real, and if it were a little warmer and if Quinn didn't scream through the classes, I'd be going 5 days a week (okay, maybe 4). Instead, I'm hoping to take up some home video exercise routines. Pat, if you're reading this, I'm thinking some Yoga or Pilates might be good for me. :)

Day 26: Sunshine. I haven't been seeing much of it lately, but when I do I sure am thankful for it. This time of year can get pretty dreary around here, and so when the sun makes a visible appearance it's that much more appreciated.

Day 27: Family pets. Had I completed this list in November when I was supposed to, I probably (most certainly) wouldn't have thought to include our pets. However, on our sixth wedding anniversary Pat and I lost our cat Jules, unexpectedly. I don't want to get too heavy right now, but it has been really difficult. Loss is hard, and we're still adjusting to our new family dynamic without Jules. She was loved and is missed. On a positive note, her death has caused me to appreciate Jerry (her brother) and Lucy much more, and my hope is that Jerry will become less reclusive now that he doesn't have Jules to hide away with each day.

Day 28: Showers. If I'm really going out on a limb, I'd say showers alone. But honestly, I'll take a shower any way I can get it. And, I do. I manage to shower each day (but it usually isn't until the afternoon) and it has become one of my favorite pastimes. My, that makes my life seem pretty pathetic, doesn't it?

Day 29: Friendships. I am so thankful for my friends, even though my few closest friends live so far away. I am also thankful for Quinn's friendships and am working at developing these relationships for both of us.

Day 30: Date nights. Pat and I haven't had many date nights, well, since Quinn was born (if I'm being perfectly honest). However, last weekend Grandma Cathy took the train up from Salem so that Pat and I could attend Pat's work party and go out for our anniversary. Although our anniversary date turned out to be quite sombre (since we lost Jules that day), our first date to Pat's work party was a lot of fun and reminded me how important it is for us to still remember to date, even though we are parents now. So, I'll add that to my New Year's Resolution (aka: 30 Before 30) list. Thank you Grandma Cathy, and I love you Pat!

There, I did it! 30 (although not consecutive) Days of Thankfulness!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Puzz's and Jump-Jacking

I plan to finish my thankful list in one quick post, but first I want to share a couple of videos of Quinn. I just downloaded about a years worth of photos/video to filter through from my phone (and I'm not great at filtering) but I've narrowed it down to two for the evening (both taken yesterday).

This first video is of Quinn doing what he does best, "puzz's" (translation: puzzles). He is obsessed. We've been spending close to two hours a day doing puzzles for the past couple of weeks and I filmed him several times last week. His average time was 10 minutes, and so when he did one yesterday in 6 I was pretty impressed. So, here you have it. All 6 minutes of Quinn and his favorite animal puzzle. I simply share this to document Quinn's speech and puzzle skills at 2 1/2. If you actually watch the whole thing, I'll be impressed! :)

The last video is of Quinn and Pat doing jumping jacks. He's not quite coordinated enough to do them yet, but in the beginning you'll hear him count to ten (Pat gets him started). He says it quickly so you'll have to listen closely. I've tried to capture his counting on video in the past, and he totally played dumb every time. Little stinker.