Saturday, March 13, 2010

An Actual Conversation...

Pat, upon returning from an afternoon haircut: "Whoa, why are you getting all gussied up?"

Me: "What do you mean? I'm just experimenting with how to get my hair back since it won't fit into a ponytail. Does it look nice?"

Pat: "It's not that... it's, uh... what you're wearing."

Me: "What do you mean??"

Pat: "Well, it's just that you're... (with hesitation) not in PJs."

Wow. What a sad realization. I am literally wearing jeans and a t-shirt, and my husband thinks I'm getting "gussied up"!


  1. isn't that so true. I never wore so many sweats and gym clothes as I have after Grace was born. Being a mom seems to mean all the little things I used to do to be girlie, don't happen nearly as often. Not to mention Grace gets all the new clothes. Thanks for the great laugh and realization I'm not the only one!

  2. It's a good thing he hesitated! haha!
