Sunday, April 11, 2010

Happy Birthday, Chloe!

One of the things that Pat and I love about living in the Northwest again is our ability to be a simple road trip away from our families. This has enabled us to see Chloe, Pat's cousin Zach's little girl, on a regular basis. She is just about three months older than Quinn and is the closest thing Quinn has to a cousin at this point!

A few weekends ago Pat, Quinn, and I took a road trip to Monmouth to celebrate Chloe's first birthday. She's such a cutie! In addition to her birthday party Quinn got to see his first chickens, sheep, and lambs at his very own personal petting zoo (Pat's cousin Bill's house). Sadly, he was not appreciative of this experience. Actually, he was quite scared. Maybe next time!

Halligan Family

Yummy cake! Chloe was so funny eating her cake. First she took a bite with her hands, and she didn't seem to like the stickiness of the cake and so she opted to just use her mouth to avoid the sticky fingers. What a smart little girl!

Hanging with Grandma Cathy chewing on Chloe's flower at the party.

You can see Quinn's shocked face at the sight of the new animals! I'm sure someday he'll enjoy them, but for now they were a little too scary.

Riddell farm

New toys from Grandma Cathy

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