Friday, April 13, 2012

Kira's 6th Month

Wow, half-way through the first year.  This feels like such a landmark.  I had big plans of editing together a video of highlights from her life so far.  Ha!  Who do I think I am?  I swear I have good intentions, but they rarely come to fruition.  Sadly, as I sit down to reflect on this time several more months have already passed.  I'll refer to my notes...

At six months, Kira loved to be in her jumper.  She would gladly spend her wakeful hours jumping away as long as Quinn was near her playing.  She also spent time on her play mat and enjoyed having a bucket of toys placed near her to rummage through.

It seemed as if Kira was beginning to become frustrated by her lack of mobility at this time, complete with grunts and all.  She did begin inching her way around and scooting herself from point A to point B ever so slowly with her feet.

One of Kira's favorite times of day was (and is) bath time.  I share in this love of baths, and so many of our evenings were spent soaking together.  I cherish those calm and quiet moments alone with her before Quinn inevitably joins in.

Kira's an eater, and was no longer satisfied by breast milk alone.  I had to start introducing nightly dinners, but I didn't get too creative with what I served.  She ate a lot of sweet potato, apple, pear, and avocado.  I pureed some peas for her and she was so repulsed that she gagged them right up.  I continued to try (since I had made a full batch) by adding some cereal or fruit to the mix, but she wouldn't have it.  I thought she'd eat anything, but then realized I just hadn't been introducing her to much variety.  It continues to be a work in progress.

When it comes to her sleep habits, I don't have any notes.  This means one of two things.  A:  She was sleeping so dreamily I didn't want to jinx us. B: She was sleeping so terribly I didn't want to relive the pain. Either are quite possible, for she has gone through phases of both, waking only once in the night to phases of waking every couple of hours (or worse).  It's safe to say that over the course of the month both scenarios occurred.  What I do know is she wasn't sleeping through the night, nor is she now.  One day I will sleep again.  I hope.

We had some of our very best friends, The Lincolns, visit us towards the beginning of Kira's sixth month which was undoubtedly a highlight for her.  We shared snowy adventures, and thoroughly enjoyed our time together.  Shortly after they left I decided to say goodbye to the pack 'n play that Kira had been sleeping in in our room and introduced her to her own space.  (I look forward to sharing pictures of her nursery soon!)  She took to the transition seamlessly, and it was nice to have our room to ourselves for the first time since moving into our house.  Nursing her on the floor in the corner of her room was less dreamy, but I'll get to that more next month.  

Kira continued to show immense love for her brother.  She was (and still is) happiest when he is around.  He doesn't even need to be nice to her.  As long as he is near her, she's a happy girl.  She continued to find his antics quite hilarious, and no one can make her laugh quite like him.  Reflecting on this bond makes the hairs stand up on my skin.  I couldn't be more grateful.

What joy you bring to our lives, Miss Kira!  We sure do love you!

1 comment:

  1. She is so precious, can't wait to see her again...hopefully soon!
