Tuesday, November 1, 2011

30 Days of Thankfulness

Day 1:

As we enter into the month of November I want to take pause each day and reflect on something that I am thankful for. Pat and I have been so blessed this year with the birth of our daughter, Kira, the security of a full-time position at Microsoft, and our new home.

Today Kira had her two-month well-child visit and her first batch of vaccinations. Vaccinations are never fun, but she has been more miserable than I have ever seen her. And her misery has been quite hard on Quinn and me as well. Poor Quinn doesn't understand why his sister won't stop crying, and I am heartbroken that I cannot soothe my sweet baby.

Today I am reminded how fortunate we have been to have such an easy-going baby. Two kids have not been easy for me, but they have been much easier than I anticipated. If every day were like today, I'm not sure I could make it.

So, in addition to the big things that I can't help but be thankful for each day, I am most thankful for baby tylenol today. I am optimistic that this will help Kira be more comfortable and that she will be back to her normal self soon.

What are you thankful for?

1 comment:

  1. Aww what a great blog topic for this month! I'm thankful for so much and you're reading it daily on FB ;) Can't wait to read more!
